Book Eight Reviews

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Crisanta Knight: Midnight Law

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Reviewer: Amazon Reviewer

Star Rating: 5 Stars – Sooo good!

“This book leaves you wishing for the finale to come faster and slower all at once, everything that happens leaves you one the edge of your seat and hungry for more!”

Reviewer: Lauren

Star Rating: 5 Stars – Quite the adventure!

“I was so excited to get this book and luckily my mom won an early copy for me. Crisanta Knight is my favorite series and even I loved the different perspectives in this particular installment of the series. I found myself feeling how each character was feeling. There were enough adventures to fit into multiple books!”

Reviewer: Christi Anne

Star Rating: 5 Stars

“There is so much i can say about this.


“Once upon a time in a land far, far away there was a princess whose prince never came, whose friends were all wildcards, and who was desperately trying to save the world one strategic choice at a time . . . “

first off, for taking on different POVs after we’ve come to know and love crisa’s voice so well and so dearly was risky… but it worked, and it was really enjoyable, and yeah, sometimes i struggled (*cough* blue *cough*) but it was very well done! it enhanced the story and made our hero(ines) seem so much more alive!


“Still, the road to change was hard, long, and merciless.”


i will rant without revealing too much…

the inner, emotional pain of guilt, shame, bitterness, anger and isolation that each of our heroes and heroines had to work through was tangible and, in some parts, really relatable.

their struggles led to change and character development. it led to better friendships, better heroes, and painful victories. i enjoyed how this was so tied up in the different quests we took part in!


“Life without struggle is empty, and people without struggle lack character.”

my favourite parts are tied up with so many aspects of this story!! and i can’t give away too much!!

i love the friendships, the friend groups, and the way they each grow individually and grow together.

we saw different people paired and grow to trust, challenge, and forgive each other.
we saw snark, we saw banter, we saw vulnerability…
we took part in companionship, in conflict, and in caring criticism… and i love it!


“She—like many of my friends—was entwined and blended with my story like yarn in a tapestry. unless you looked closely, we did not exist as separate materials. together, we created a whole.”

i enjoy the worlds and the travelling. we got to see some old worlds and revisit some old ones – just as we got to meet new people (view spoiler) and check in with familiar ones.

i particularly loved the different aspects of old fairytales woven into the fabric of the setting, the storyline, the quests (like mulan & alice in wonderland).

that brings us to the plot, the storyline, and boy, did we have an adventure! (or eight…)

there were same high stakes (a life or three was on the line, and therefore also the fate of the universe), and some tense grudges that made the teamwork hard, and some personal hardships that held our heroes and heroines back…

there was some heartbreak that i was absolutely thrilled at – some reunions i’d been looking forward to – and a kiss we’d been waiting for since the moment we met the two friends.


“Forgiveness is necessary. remember that. you are not meant to stay broken.”

all in all, it was absorbing adventure that kept me up late at night and had my thoughts wandering during the day. it was time spent with friends whose introspective growth challenged my own… and it was a story i can’t wait to see continue.

i personally hope we get crisa’s voice back (because i miss her) and me, being in love with daniel daniels (sorry jason and chance and all you other wonderful heroes) need to see some more of daniel daniels… and we all know the very special bond daniel and crisa have.

*clears throat* anyway, what a way to begin 2021… see y’all again at the end.”


“Seems like a good time for a finale, don’t you think?”

Reviewer: Ashley

Star Rating: 5 Stars

***This review contains spoilers***

“Huge fan of this series from the beginning and book 8 did not disappoint! Reading from the perspective of the rest of the gang was so interesting as we got to see how they think and how they think about each other. There were so many little details included that I adored (like I absolutely needed to know how Jason and Daniel prefer their peanut butter sandwiches cut.) I really appreciated each of their character development too. We’ve seen them all grow so much over the past seven books but of course no one is ever done growing and now we got to see their internal struggles. I loved getting to know Mark and Mauvrey better and how they will play a part in the end of this story. Obviously Blue and Jason FINALLY getting together gave me all the feels, but I think my fave part was Mauvrey and SJ figuring out who Kai really is and having to break it to Daniel. Talk about finally. Also can we talk about the giant picture of Crisa in Daniel’s heart house? Seriously boy it can not be any more obvious. I honestly did not think I could love Daniel more but he had such great development in this book I can’t get over it. If the whole book had been narrated by him, I wouldn’t have minded 😆 Can’t wait for the finale but also I don’t know what I will do once it’s over. This has become my favorite series so big thanks to Geanna for it! I especially can’t wait for the Crisa and Daniel climax that I have been waiting for since the moment they meant. This is the slowest burn romance I’ve ever read and I’ve loved every second of it. This was a very rambley review all to say that this book was great, the series is fantastic, and I can’t wait to see what happens next!”